A to Zzz on all things sleep

A to Zzz on all things sleep

Back to Routine Week 3 Recap: Hush-A-Bye Baby

Summer is often synonymous with disrupted sleep schedules and routines. We’ve spent three months allowing later bedtimes, skipped naps, and who knows what else! In this webinar, Nanit’s VP of Clinical Research, Dr. Natalie Barnett, will share tips for getting back into a sleep routine after a summer of fun. We'll also be joined by Dr. Veronica Eyo, LCSW, EdD, and Cooper’s Coop Leader, who brings her unique background and perspective as a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist.

    View the Webinar: 


    Key Takeways:

    Tip 1: Establish a bedtime routine that works for you and your family. What works for some, may not work for you.

    Tip 2: Focus on your child's cues for being ready for bed, rather than the clock.

    Tip 3: Put your child in the crib while they're drowsy before they've fallen fully asleep so they associate their bed as a place to rest.


    Meet the Speakers:

    Dr. Natalie Barnett - Nanit’s VP of Clinical Research

    Dr. Natalie Barnett

    Dr. Veronica Eyo - Cooper Coop Leader

    Dr. Veronica Eyo

    Michael Wieder, Co-Founder, President & CMO @ Lalo

    Michael Wieder
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