PB&J Twinkling Stars & Rainbow Heart Garland

PB&J Twinkling Stars & Rainbow Heart Garland

Let your love shine bright and sprinkle joy like stardust with PB&J twinkling star sandwiches and colorful garlands!

Playlist: Lalo Love Bugs

Twirl your little one around to these classic love songs, turning every day into a love-filled celebration. 💘

Recipe: PB&J Twinkling Stars

Sprinkle love like stardust with these PB&J Twinkling Star sandwiches, illuminating the world with each delicious bite!

Serving Size: One

Time: 5 Minutes

Here's what you'll need...


  • White bread

  • Jam/jelly

  • Nut butter of choice

  • Sprinkles


  • Lalo Plate

  • Cookie or sandwich cutter

  • Additional plate for sprinkles

  • Knife for applying jam/peanut butter

PB&J Twinkling Star 


  1. Make you PB&J as you normally would.

  2. Have your child help you cut it into a fun shape! You can use a cookie cutter or knife to create this shape.

  3. Pour sprinkles into a spare plate or bowl.

  4. Press the edges of your freshly cut sandwich into the sprinkles till each side is coated.

  5. Enjoy!

Disclaimers: Serve once your child has started solids and is close to 2 years of age. Consult with your physician before offering new foods.

Activity: Rainbow Heart Garland

What You’ll Need:

  • Make It Cute Playhouse

  • Paper

  • Scissors

  • Twine or yarn

  • Hole punch (scissors can be used in its place)

  • Dot paint or markers

Make it Cute Playhouse


  1. Using paper and dot paint markers, let your child pick their favorite colors and fill the page with paint!

  2. Once dried, carefully cut each page into the desired shape. (We chose hearts! Stars, circles, and triangles are fun, too!)

  3. Punch two holes in the tops of each shape.

  4. Carefully thread your twine in the first hole and behind your shape and back out the second hole on the opposite side.

  5. Repeat these steps until you have your desired length of garland.

  6. Hang from your Make It Cute Playhouse, and enjoy!

Don't forget to share how you #LayLowWithLalo over on our Instagram!


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