Meet: The Play Boxes

Meet: The Play Boxes

Join Lalo Co-Founder Michael Wieder and Lalo's Head of Play & Development, Lizzie Assa in a discussion on how to embrace parent-led learning at every stage.  Each session is broken out by age range with tips specific to your little ones' milestones.  See them all below: 

Meet: The Play Boxes: 0-6 months

Watch webinar: 


  1. Talk or sing to your baby while changing, dressing, or feeding them. Your soothing voice will comfort them and this will foster connection and playfulness.

  2. Make tummy time engaging by lying beside them and looking in a mirror together. Play peek-a-boo and interact in front of a mirror to keep them interested.

  3. Introduce a lovey during calm and nurturing moments. Building an attachment to the lovey early on can provide comfort, promote emotional regulation, and eventually aid in their independence.


Meet: The Play Boxes: 6-12 mos

Watch webinar: 


  1. Take time to observe their preferences and interests, and let them guide the play.

  2. Create an environment that allows your child to explore and interact with their surroundings. Keep it simple by having favorite toys around the house in easy-to-access areas.

  3. Engage in conversations throughout the day. This not only strengthens your bond but also supports their language development as they begin to understand and communicate more effectively. 


Meet: The Play Boxes: 12-18 mos

Watch webinar: 


  1. Support your child's growing mobility and curiosity through play that involves physical movement. Create safe spaces for them to explore and practice coordination skills.

  2. Incorporate everyday objects and items from their environment to stimulate their creativity and curiosity, like putting their favorite play silk inside a big metal mixing bowl!

  3. Capitalize on your child's growing ability to imitate and learn. Have fun encouraging them to imitate you and don’t forget to mirror them as well!

Meet: The Play Boxes: 18-24 mos

Watch webinar: 


  1. Let your child practice autonomy by giving them the chance to try things on their own. Encourage them to attempt tasks independently before stepping in to assist.

  2. Make play accessible by placing toys and play materials within easy reach in common areas. This encourages your child to initiate play without constant adult involvement.

  3. Encourage unstructured play as your child's world grows and expands. Build in time for play the same way you build in time for rest and reading.

Meet the Speakers:

Lizzie Assa, Head of Play and Development @ Lalo & Founder of The Workspace for Children

Lizzie Assa


Michael Wieder, Co-Founder, President & CMO @ Lalo

Michael Wieder


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